Keep Christchurch Beautiful

Keep Christchurch Beautiful aims…

  • To encourage civic pride and the promotion of beautiful Christchurch.
  • Foster and liase with local community groups in the City’s Board areas.
  • Providing educational materials, programmes and support services.
  • The promotion of waste management and minimisation
  • Support of the Environmental Services, Waste Management and other appropriate City Council Units.


They offer three programmes:


#1 – School’s Environmental Enhancement Programme (SEEP)

Open to all Christchurch Primary Schools. The awards challenge schools to keep their grounds and surrounding area litter-free. A special endorsement to the award recognises schools which undertake waste minimisation and recycling schemes. Additional awards recognise school caretakers for their efforts in maintaining the school environment and any special environmental projects schools may undertake within their own grounds or out in their local communities. Schools who attain the required standards are invited to a special ceremony in November to receive certificates from the Mayor. 


#2 – Enviro Action

Open to all Christchurch secondary schools. Enviro Action encourages high school students to take action on an environmental issue within their school or local community. Proposals are submitted to Keep Christchurch Beautiful by April each year and once approved assistance is given by way of funding, information, connecting with experts and publicity.


#3 – Litter Awards

Citizens of Christchurch are encouraged to nominate people from their communities who voluntarily clean up litter to receive a Litter Award. This consists of a certificate signed by the Mayor, a Litta Picka tool to help them with their work and if needed help with disposal of what they collect.

